Frequently asked questions

Here’s answers to all the common questions.
How much does the cure cost?

The cost of treatment is covered under the Closing the Gap. If you are unsure, you can ask your local Aboriginal Health Service or trusted health care provider. Other services that provide treatment include sexual health clinics, doctor’s clinics, drug and alcohol services, and needle and syringe programs (NSPs).

I don’t feel sick so should I wait to do treatment?

Treating hepatitis C earlier rather than later can stop the liver from being damaged. Some people may experience things like low energy, brain fog or feeling flat or sad and not realise it’s the hep C causing these symptoms. Treatment for hepatitis C can get rid of it from your body and blood, and make your body feel better.

I’ve got a great doctor; can they prescribe treatment?

Yes, they sure can!

I’ve heard about a finger prick test, what is it?

Testing for hepatitis C is changing. If you are worried about being tested for hepatitis C because getting blood taken is hard, then talk to service staff at your local Aboriginal Health Service about different options. They are there to support you. Finger prick testing is now available in some areas. It is easy to do, and you can find out your result quickly. In some places, it is under an hour. You can get tested at sexual health clinics, doctor’s clinics, drug and alcohol services, needle and syringe programs (NSPs) and Aboriginal Health Services. Talk with your local Aboriginal Health Service to see where you can get tested and if they have finger prick testing (see under ‘Find Trusted Help’).

I don’t want to be judged or treated differently if I have hep C, who can I see?

Talk with your trusted Aboriginal Health Worker, Nurse or Doctor at your local Aboriginal Health Service. Your Aboriginal Health Service is there to provide you with non-judgemental and confidential health care. You may also choose to have a chat at your local needle and syringe programs or ring your local hepatitis organisation on 1800 437 222. Everyone has a right to be treated and cured of hep C.

If I am still using, how often should I get tested for hep C?

Get tested if you can every 12 months for peace of mind. Also, if you have an injecting episode that you think may have been risky. Importantly, if you get hep C again, you can get treated again (and again and again). Every Yarn Counts.

I've got a hard to clear type of hep C, will the pills still cure me?

The good news is that these days there’s no such thing as a hard to clear type of hep C. The pills work the same for everyone.

Find trusted help

If you are ready for hep C treatment or you just want some advice. Visit or call your nearest support location for a conversation with people who have first-hand experience of living with hep C and/or personal experience and knowledge around drug use. Here is a list of peer-based organisations who you can speak with. Most of these organisations provide testing and treatment or they can direct you to a place that does.
Visit your nearest peer service

Showing 4 trusted locations