We are working together to eliminate hepatitis C as a public health threat in Australia. The Every Yarn Counts Campaign was developed to promote hepatitis C testing and treatment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people accessing Aboriginal Health Services. We would like to acknowledge our partners and collaborators who have designed the campaign, provided advice and supported the roll-out across Australia.
- Burnet Institute/EC Australia
- National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
- Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW (AH&MRC)
- Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation (BNMAC)
- Pangula Mannamurna Aboriginal Corporation
- Institute of Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)
- Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (AHCWA)
- Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service (OVAHS)
- Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service
- Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. (VACCHO)
- Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS)
- Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC)
Every Yarn Counts is proudly supported by the Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia Partnership (EC Australia) at Burnet Institute and the Australian Government Department of Health.
All information is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. All information is up-to-date at the time of writing. For more information, or to get in contact with our team, please email ecaustralia@burnet.edu.au.
About the Bloodlines artwork
Bloodlines considers Mob (People) and Country being as one, all connected. Land, Sea and Sky. The wavey central lines represent blood vessels, the circular motifs represent blood cells as they flow and pass through the body as they heal and repair.
The circular motifs represent Country and the celestial bodies utilised to navigate land and sea. Sun, moon and stars guide our way to places of Ceremony, places of plenty and places of healing. The central motifs represent Mob, People, Community coming together travelling on many different pathways across many different Country. Lines and patterns represent the Country and Cultures of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
About Riki Salam
Indigenous artist, Riki Salam, was born and raised in Cairns on Yidinji Land connected to the Torres Strait and Yalanji Country on his Father’s side and Ngai Tahu, South Island of New Zealand, on his Mother’s side. Riki works and produces his art in pen, ink, gouache, acrylic and using digital technologies. He enjoys exploring concepts of traditional culture in a contemporary format.
Riki currently lives on Turrbul and Yaggera Country in Meanjin, Brisbane. Educated in both Cairns and Brisbane, he has over 20 years of industry experience as a graphic designer and artist. Riki has worked on many high-profile projects including the Qantas painted Boeing 747/800, Yananyi Dreaming, and produced artworks for Telstra, Woolworths, the Healing Foundation and the Australian Human Rights Commission to name a few. Riki also designed the identity for the G20 in 2014.
To view more of Riki’s artworks visit